
Welcome to Newsweek Vantage where custom research forms the bedrock of our editorial content. Partnering with globally acknowledged experts and industry thought-leaders, Vantage creates thought provoking content and analysis aimed at both business executives and other individuals curious to understand the background story.

Tackling key business and social issues Vantage offers new perspectives and strategic insights on topics that define the world we live, work and invest in.

For more information click on the title of an individual study for a brief synopsis and the opportunity to download the full report.

The New Basis of Insurance Competition

There is a great deal of white noise around transformation in the insurance industry. Leaders face the challenge of separating hype from reality. What do customers now expect at a practical level? What do the opportunities and threats presented by new technologies mean for my business? Download the full Vantage report now to learn more.

Going mainstream: The Future of ESG Investing

Going mainstream: The Future of ESG Investing was researched and written by sustainable investment experts Harry Hummels and Rob Bauer from the University of Maastricht's Department of Finance. It is based on an online survey of 281 asset owners and managers across the world, conducted in March and April 2018, as well as a dozen in-depth interviews with leading investors and practitioners in the field of sustainable and responsible investing. Download the full study now.