
Newsweek Collaborates with Redfield & Wilton Strategies

July 14, 2023 - Newsweek announced today a partnership with Redfield & Wilton Strategies to offer in-depth polling and insights on the issues that matter to Americans in the run-up to the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

"Understanding public opinion across a spectrum of issues is critical to our journalism through the Republican primaries and the 2024 general election," said Newsweek global editor-in-chief, Nancy Cooper. "Redfield & Wilton Strategies has a strong reputation conducting analysis for some of the most well-respected media brands, and we're thrilled to work with them."

Newsweek's sentiment tracker will chart opinions on a range of issues affecting voters' daily lives, engaging readers on topics including the war in Ukraine, healthcare, gun control, inflation and public education, among others.

"The United States can feel like a very divided country today, making every election feel more critical than the last. In this exciting long-term polling project with Newsweek, we can show readers not only how they differ from their fellow citizens, but also where they share common ground," said Philip van Scheltinga, director of research at Redfield & Wilton Strategies.

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Ben Billingsley for Newsweek